October is gonna be the month where you save your money for some rockin' events. And to kick off the month, there will be two fabulous shows in Virginia! Yes, that's right, VA. Baltimore is home to most of the shows I go too, but keep in mind, that a good planner always mixes it up.
Good Times-taking place from October 2, threw October 3, is worth making the 4 hour trip from here down south to VA beach, where T.N.T as well as other promotions such as Good Vibes are throwing together one big ass BBQ/Rave. Why such an excitment? I have several noteworthy artists, and friends, who will be preforming! Two of them, are original writers for this blog along with myself. Nick Riley, better known by his DJ name, Nick of Time, and James Durant, known by his DJ names as KING J4MES have been active in helping me write this blog since it began in February. As well, my brother from another mother, Nick Bortz, better known by his DJ name Borticus will be making his big debut to the rave scene. Some other mentionables include, Elemental, who has made numerous appearences throughout Baltimore.
Read below for full information, this is NOT something you should miss out on. Having known a lot of the kids who will be a part of this, the spirits will be good, the talent will be amazing, and not limited to just DJing. Poi, light-shows, drum circles, and a hell of a lot of PLUR going on.
Oh, did I mention it's 2 stages, over 20 DJ's and only $10. Can you say, WICKED deal?
Check out the event page for more details and take a listen to some of what's in store :)
OE - Tribute to Borticus by OldEnglish800
KJ&B PROMO MIX 1 by OldEnglish800
Riddim Replay by Nick Of Time
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