I just want to recap this weekend a little. It was pretty epic, for Burbon Street. Now, i'm a huge dubstep/dnb fan, but I have my moments where I am a huge hardstyler. Recently i've been getting into shuffling more, which if you don't know what it is, check out this video below and see how these girls do it :)
Anyway, this past weekend, Burbon played host to Showtek, a hardstyle group from Holland. Yes, that's right, this weekend, Baltimore got a little taste of Nadderrlauundds. Having visited holland and raved 2 weeks straight, I knew this was a concert not to be missed. And it blew my mind. I havn't seen that many ravers come together and dance as hard as we did Friday night. We truly brought down the house. And lost a few pounds. Showtek ended September with a bang and left excitment for the next month of incredible raves coming up.
Take a listen, it's way different-but for all you rave die-hearts, shuffle on baby.
I hate thursdays. Well, actually I don't. But considering that they tease the weekend in front of your face, you might as well just start partying on Thursdays. I know I do.
Got two good tunes for you today. Both bassy, both dubstep, both fire! Found the first one from good ol' UFK dub. If you havn't noticed before, I have a thing for womens' vocals in a nice dirty dubstep song. Eva Simons on the vocals, kinda brings this Rhianna type voice, with some funk beats thrown in. Kinda makes you wanna be bad, right? Take Over Control (Adam F Dubstep Remix) - Afrojack Ft. Eva Simons by Noiseuphoria
And ofcourse, there's BASSNECTAR. Yes, I am a HUGE bassnectar fan. Brings me back to my days where I first got into dub, seems so long ago, and yet, it wasn't. I was also a huge metallica fan. Two very different types of genres mixed together to seek and destroy the norm of both genres. Bass and Rock always go well together for an extra high dosage of awesomeness.
I have a bass addication. If you do too, then this is most definitley the place for you. Got some new tunes for you to add to your never-ending playlist of dubbby-dubby-dubbb :)
Magnetic Man, feat. Katy B is classic example of good dubstep and UK pop-dub mixing. I first heard Katy B when her UK single, On a Mission dropped a few months back on Rub-A-Dub-Dub. Adding Benga to the mix, and you get a nice slow dub remix of an already good song.
Dansette Junior, another artist up and coming released a new track recently. This one is an exclusive, and won't be forthcoming on the Dansette Junior album!It's got a nice bassy UK feel, with an "unreal" feeling to the chours
October is gonna be the month where you save your money for some rockin' events. And to kick off the month, there will be two fabulous shows in Virginia! Yes, that's right, VA. Baltimore is home to most of the shows I go too, but keep in mind, that a good planner always mixes it up.
Good Times-taking place from October 2, threw October 3, is worth making the 4 hour trip from here down south to VA beach, where T.N.T as well as other promotions such as Good Vibes are throwing together one big ass BBQ/Rave. Why such an excitment? I have several noteworthy artists, and friends, who will be preforming! Two of them, are original writers for this blog along with myself. Nick Riley, better known by his DJ name, Nick of Time, and James Durant, known by his DJ names as KING J4MES have been active in helping me write this blog since it began in February. As well, my brother from another mother, Nick Bortz, better known by his DJ name Borticus will be making his big debut to the rave scene. Some other mentionables include, Elemental, who has made numerous appearences throughout Baltimore.
Read below for full information, this is NOT something you should miss out on. Having known a lot of the kids who will be a part of this, the spirits will be good, the talent will be amazing, and not limited to just DJing. Poi, light-shows, drum circles, and a hell of a lot of PLUR going on.
Oh, did I mention it's 2 stages, over 20 DJ's and only $10. Can you say, WICKED deal?
Check out the event page for more details and take a listen to some of what's in store :)
New Dubba Jonny! I love the 2 part duo, and this song has this classy John Legend feel to it. UK based, and worth listening too. The chours drops something wicked. Be sure to take a look at his soundcloud and myspace.
Another noteworthy song by Dubba Jonny-Home. A somewhat dark feel to it, the vocals add to the gorgeous melody of a sick drop. Enjoy the daily dose of dub.
In a wicked rush for work, so i'll leave it at this. Want to make everyone feel sexy on their fridays, decided time to pick up some wicked beats with sexy voices, sexy sounds, over-all sexiness.
Not sure how I stumbled upon this, however I will say it was not StumbleUpon haha-it's a remix of an Indie rock artist, Sara Bareilles, K-mode on the remix. He's definitely worth taking a listen to.
Wanna download? Holler at me, this one was harder to find. Sexy tunes. Sexy women. Happy Friday.
Up until now, the blog has had a heavy influence of Dubstep and DrumnBass--however, these days, it's all about expanding your knowledge. Today's daily does features, Electronica. I've been heavy influenced by up and comming artist, Borticus, aka my brother from another mother. Introduced to the scene not too long ago, he's quickly adapted to music and soaked it up like a sponge. After experimenting, he's finally found his taste in music to lean more towards electro/electro-dub/house/etc. This doesn't mean he's still not an avid lover of that grime dubstep-but it's nice to know amongst my group of friends that there are different tastes all around us. Enjoy some of these electro inspired songs and expect more in the coming weeks.
NEW EXCISION is here! For anyone that likes to get down with the ill, this mix is most definitely for you. Unique for having that transformers ish involved with bass and dirty, Excision has slowly been making his way up the charts, and has made several North East appearences in the last few months. He preformed this year at Starscape 2010, as well as making an appearence at Burbon Street and has had a growing number of followers since then.
Every year he preforms at Shambhala in Canda-and has recently released this years' raw mix, over an hour long-with artists including Subscape, Noisia, Datsik, Vaski, and Pendulum. Avaiable for download, I highly recommend you download now and enter the world of a transformation of dubstep, filled with raw sounds and dirty spins.
Was surfing around from some grime dubstep to start your weekend off, and found this. Little mix of some of my favorites, everything from that SWAG to WHERE'S MY MONEY. Classic artists such as Caspa, Benga, Rusko, Skream, and Deadmau5. Don't you just love when you can fit a bunch of wicked good songs into one tiny mix, teasing you with the grime and making you want more. DJ Praiz, hailing from the UK has quite the unique sound, twisting and changing up familiar beats. DOWNLOAD THIS MIX HERE
If you like the grime, then you'll definitely like this DrumnBass mash up. Tad bit longer, at 9 minutes, it's the perfect wake up bass in your face mix. Artists include Chase and Status, High Contrast, and Sub Focus. Very upbeat, very dirty. DOWNLOAD THIS MIX HERE
The TeKno Party 6am-TeKno Major Bass Crazy Set Up Forever Korrupt DJ Korrupt & Shirt My Best Friend-Owe this all to you I've talked about him before, he's making his way up. Korrupt youselves everyone, you're about to get a taste of Netherlands finest. Olaf De Rooij, if you don't the name you should learn it. I met him over a year ago, and he is responsible to bringing me into the world of the Underground. Living in DC, he has been a native of Holland for years. When I first met him, I knew nothing about Dubstep, the Underground, and the meaning behind it. Since then, I have learned and grown so much and am proud to say that the reason for this blog being responsible is thanks to him. One thing I learned from him is that you have to find your own taste in this world of dubstep/dnb and stick to it. Don't follow the norm, don't bring the same beats, and always switch it up. I was fortunate enough to visit him last year in Holland and see a true taste of the world you don't see here in the states, even in Baltimore. His taste, more unique then most dubstep. And teKno, is his speciality.
I witnessed first hand the meaning of a true "free party" last year. One event he took me too, went a little something like this. The address to the party, was only obtainable by calling a number that was only opened for a short period of time, the location, a place out where the music played past the sunrise and well into the next day. Having arrived at midnight, I expected what I have seen in Baltimore, what I got was something greater than I could have ever picture. Speakers and bass taller than anything you could ever want here, more room but less people, giving you the freedom to let loose, and the music, different than most normal dub. TeKno-what I like to think as dub on cocaine, has a fast and bassy feel, in your face. You won't find it often here, but despite it being different, I urge you to really listen and open your mind. What I loved about Olaf was it didn't matter what "everyone else was listening too," if you like the beat and you have a passion for the music, go with it. That is the true meaning of being a lover of the Underground. Since beginning his journey, Korrupt has grown and evolved from spreading the love of the underground, to producing and adding to the Underground. This mix, made on his vacation in Italy with his parents is upbeat, but dark and shows the true taste of an Underground Artist. One that produces for the love of the music and not love of the fame. Interested in hearing more? Check out his soundcloud and YouTube and show your support. He truly has a unique sound. Expect more from him in the future.
And if you find yourself unsure about this mix, take this meaning away from you. Ask yourself what the Underground Movement means to you. Are you a true believer? Are you a true follower. What is your style and why do you like what you listen too. Open yourself to new music, explore all the artists and types of music there are to offer. Dig deeper and fall down the rabbit hole a little more.